The National Charitable Foundation "Balls-Assemblies" (registered trademark "RUSSIAN ASSEMBLIES") is a partner of the BRICS-Alliance Media Service in the field of non-commercial programs for the development of interstate relations: the BRICS Guild of Translators and the BRICS Union of Artists. The partner's tasks include organizing international meetings, presentations and exhibitions in the Russian Federation, in the BRICS countries and other countries of the world, organizing cultural programs, ceremonies, as well as supporting the international official status of projects - issuing membership cards, badges, collecting and distributing membership fees, organizing the work of exhibition committees and editorial boards.

President of the NBF "Balls-Assemblies" - Elena KARANKEVICH. Founders: Tatiana and Elena LYUKSHINOVY.

The Fund has experience of organising events of the highest rank, since 2002, participated in the cultural program of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the program "Russky Dom" at the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, and the annual charity balls in Russia, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, San Marino, Hong Kong and other countries.
The Foundation conducts its own charitable programs: "Yuri Demich Award" and "First Coach of the Champion".